NGC 3184 -- SBc galaxy, sky charts (1 degree & 30 arcmin sides) with list of objects below, in order of distance from galaxy at center.

comment on charts displayed below: Local overdensity in a thick (NBCKDE-redshifted) sky. Objects appear to be exiting the disk to the lower right. Object 60 (at precise center of left DSS photo, POSS-II blue) is visibly interacting with spiral arm of galaxy, while object 94 (right DSS photo) shows no interaction. While object 60 resembles a star-forming HI area, the X-ray detection (at 89% confidence of association), if true, indicates either a ULX or QSO.

left: object 60; right: object 94 (at precise center of photos, from DSS)

Full charts and table below:

label coordinates (J2000) dist asec angle E-N type R mag B mag com R psf B psf Name conf assoc QSO pct z flux
0.002 101817.0+412524 10 287 GX 11.7 13.4 p n n NGC 3184 94 0 0.002 19
0.002 101811.7+412450 76 246 GR 0 11.9 p x 2 SDSS J101811.4+412448 68 0 0.002 3
0.002 101808.1+412639 135 305 GX 16.9 17.8 p n n SDSS J101807.9+412638 77 0 0.002 2
45 101813.4+412311 139 201 X 19.7 19.4 p 1 1 CXOMPJ101813.5+412310 93 45 9
60 101823.0+412739 150 23 X 17.3 18.4 p n n 1XMM J101823.0+412741 89 60 86
94 101802.3+412350 198 243 X 20.2 21.0 p * * CXOMPJ101802.3+412351 96 94 42
61 101759.6+412415 217 252 X 19.3 21.0 p * * CXOMPJ101759.4+412416 94 61 4
94 101753.0+412423 286 258 X 19.9 21.2 p * * 1XMM J101753.1+412423 99 94 78
59 101749.2+412258 353 246 X 0 21.8 p x * 1XMM J101749.4+412259 96 59 74
0.500 101848.6+412343 359 106 QX 20.4 20.7 u * * NBCKDE101848.6+412343 92 90 0.500 46
84 101838.4+413007 367 39 X 20.0 20.9 p * * 2RXP J101838.2+413002 88 84 16
0.152 101821.0+411911 372 175 A 17.3 17.7 p 1 * NGC 3184 UB1 0.152
67 101837.0+413151 445 29 X 19.7 21.4 p n * CXOMPJ101837.1+413151 88 67 3
2.123 101857.4+412548 445 87 QX 19.3 19.4 p * * SDSS J101857.4+412549 99 95 2.123 38
0.900 101858.6+412455 458 93 QX 18.7 19.1 p * * NBCKDE101858.5+412455 99 97 0.900 150
53 101741.4+413050 526 309 X 18.5 20.4 p 1 * 2RXP J101741.2+413045 98 53 7
94 101902.0+412140 543 114 X 19.4 20.2 p * * CXOMPJ101901.9+412138 96 94 32
65 101845.7+411746 552 146 X 19.9 20.9 p 1 * 1XMM J101845.7+411748 96 65 34
0.600 101838.0+411637 571 157 QX 20.1 21.2 p * * NBCKDE101837.9+411637 98 89 0.600 51
96 101738.0+411918 577 231 X 19.6 20.2 p * * 1XMM J101738.0+411920 96 96 24
1.500 101848.4+411705 603 145 Q 19.3 20.0 p * * NBCKDE101848.3+411706 1.500
TYCHO 101722.6+412418 625 264 SX 11.9 13.2 p * * TYCHO 3004-110-1 79 0 59
0.084 101843.1+413515 658 26 GRX 14.3 15.4 p 1 1 PGC 2183464 100 3 0.084 1
77 101843.0+413521 663 25 X 18.8 18.9 p n n 2RXP J101842.8+413516 98 77 20
1.400 101720.2+412200 679 253 Q 20.1 20.6 u * * NBCKDE101720.3+412201 1.400
1.400 101919.6+412300 709 101 QX 19.5 20.4 p * * NBCKDE101919.6+412301 80 80 1.400 33
0.577 101850.5+411507 715 149 QX 17.6 17.9 p * * SDSS J101850.5+411508 99 97 0.577 892
87 101829.0+413707 717 10 X 20.3 21.8 p * * 1XMM J101829.2+413708 87 87 52
94 101720.9+413125 737 300 X 18.5 19.7 p * * CXOMPJ101720.8+413127 99 94 167
1.200 101712.2+412600 740 273 QX 19.6 20.2 p * * NBCKDE101712.2+412601 86 81 1.200 5
0.239 101922.7+412049 778 110 AX 18.1 21.0 p 1 * SDSS J101922.7+412049 92 52 0.239 627
0.920 101806.1+411210 802 190 QX 18.6 19.2 p * * NGC 3184 UB3 92 91 0.920 29
77 101738.6+413655 822 328 X 19.6 20.3 p * * 2RXP J101737.7+413652 82 77 5
1.900 101822.9+414008 889 4 Q 19.9 21.4 p 1 * NBCKDE101823.0+414008 1.900
1.900 101846.0+413948 923 20 Q 19.3 19.7 p * * NBCKDE101846.0+413949 1.900
52 101707.9+411634 948 236 X 18.5 20.4 p * * 2RXP J101708.1+411639 86 52 7
83 101701.3+411811 964 243 X 18.9 19.8 p * * 2RXP J101701.0+411810 83 83 25
2.155 101700.7+413310 986 298 QX 20.0 19.9 p * * SDSS J101700.7+413311 99 95 2.155 61
1.200 101645.7+412655 1041 275 Q 20.8 20.9 u * * NBCKDE101645.7+412655 1.200
0.900 101729.4+414054 1080 330 QX 19.2 19.7 p * * NBCKDE101729.3+414055 92 90 0.900 29
0.103 101953.6+413324 1178 66 GR 16.3 17.4 p 1 1 SDSS J101953.6+413325 62 0 0.103 3
0.675 101732.6+410722 1194 205 QX 17.7 18.0 p * * NGC 3184 UB4 94 90 0.675 40
2.347 101912.8+410806 1206 149 Q 17.8 19.4 p * * SDSS J101912.8+410807 2.347
1.200 101658.3+413959 1253 314 Q 19.6 20.6 p * * NBCKDE101658.2+414000 1.200
2.000 101657.9+414112 1308 317 Q 19.6 20.6 p * * NBCKDE101657.9+414113 2.000
1.800 101919.3+414453 1359 31 Q 19.4 20.7 p n n NBCKDE101919.3+414452 1.800
2.000 101935.8+414254 1369 40 Q 21.0 21.0 u * * NBCKDE101935.8+414254 2.000
2.000 101749.5+414850 1445 347 Q 20.3 20.3 u * * NBCKDE101749.5+414851 2.000
1.926 101935.0+410603 1448 143 Q 18.7 19.0 p * * SDSS J101935.0+410604 1.926
1.400 101627.5+413821 1465 302 Q 19.7 20.4 p * * NBCKDE101627.5+413821 1.400
2.114 101753.6+414930 1474 349 Q 18.9 19.5 p 1 * SDSS J101753.6+414931 2.114
1.283 101700.0+414514 1479 324 Q 18.1 18.8 p * * SDSS J101700.0+414515 1.283
1.300 101608.4+413130 1502 284 Q 19.8 21.0 p * * NBCKDE101608.4+413131 1.300
2.224 101629.8+411023 1514 234 Q 18.6 18.8 p * * SDSS J101629.7+411024 2.224
0.671 101803.5+410009 1521 186 QX 18.3 18.6 p * * SDSS J101803.5+410010 97 93 0.671 141
0.362 102025.8+413340 1522 71 QX 18.5 18.6 p 2 * SDSS J102025.8+413342 77 46 0.362 179
0.429 102036.8+412534 1563 90 GR 18.8 0 p 1 x SDSS J102036.8+412534 82 0 0.429 4
1.100 102006.0+414206 1576 50 Q 20.2 20.7 p * * NBCKDE102006.1+414207 1.100
1.800 101617.4+414100 1647 305 Q 18.9 19.5 p * * NBCKDE101617.4+414101 1.800
2.369 101719.4+405936 1680 203 Q 18.6 19.0 p * * SDSS J101719.4+405937 2.369
1.000 101800.0+405725 1688 187 Q 19.3 20.2 p * 2 NBCKDE101800.0+405726 1.000
0.700 101812.0+415329 1689 358 Q 20.7 21.0 u * * NBCKDE101812.1+415329 0.700
1.500 101548.8+412916 1692 278 Q 19.1 19.5 p * * NBCKDE101548.8+412917 1.500
0.281 101616.8+410811 1710 233 BRX 17.3 19.0 p 1 * RXS J10162+4108 100 49 0.281 15
1.275 101603.3+411156 1717 242 Q 18.7 19.4 p * * SDSS J101603.3+411157 1.275
1.100 101625.8+410533 1735 227 Q 19.2 19.8 p * * NBCKDE101625.7+410533 1.100
1.500 101630.9+414632 1748 317 Q 18.9 19.8 p * * NBCKDE101630.9+414633 1.500
1.400 101921.0+405837 1755 156 QR 19.5 20.5 p * * NBCKDE101921.0+405838 87 83 1.400 6
47 101544.1+411939 1765 259 X 19.8 20.2 p * 1 2RXP J101543.6+411929 79 47 53
0.278 101539.0+412737 1792 274 A 17.5 19.7 p n n SDSS J101538.8+412736 0.278



Columns of table:

  1. label -- identifier for each optical object displayed on the chart(s) above.
  2. coordinates J2000 -- position on the sky of this optical object, pattern is hhmmss.s±ddmmss, which gives 1 arcsecond precision.
  3. dist asec -- distance (offset in arcseconds) of this object from the central galaxy, i.e. the center of the chart.
  4. angle E-N -- direction from the central galaxy to this object, N thru E, ie. 0 is up, 90 is left, 180 is down, 270 is rightwards.
  5. type -- short description of this object: Q=quasar, B=Bl lac, A=AGN, G=galaxy, S=star, X=X-ray source, R=radio source, 2=double radio lobes.
  6. R mag, B mag -- brightness of this object in red and blue colors respectively, 0=not seen in this color
  7. com -- comment on object: p=blue is POSSI-O violet, (no p)=blue is Bj green or similar, i=red is i, u=blue is u, v=variablility nominally detected, m=proper motion nominally detected, ?=inferred object, calculated from combining APM and USNO-A optical catalogs.
  8. R psf, B psf -- appearance of object in red and blue colors respectively, *=stellar, 1=fuzzy, 2=extended, n=no psf, x=not seen in this color.
  9. Name -- name of this object from the literature, or IAU name from X-ray/radio catalog.
  10. conf assoc -- confidence that this optical object is the true source of the X-ray or radio detection that we list with it. This is the published figure from the QORG catalog, except for XMM or CXOMP X-ray objects which are calculated using the identical technique as used in QORG.
  11. QSO pct -- confidence that this optical object is a QSO specifically, calculated as in (10) above.
  12. z -- the redshift of this object, from the literature. NBCKDE redshifts are photometric only, and rounded to tenths, e.g. 1.700.
  13. flux -- if a radio source, in mJy; if an X-ray source, in counts per hour as listed in ROSAT/CXOMP, XMM normalised to ROSAT (div by 3.5).


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