NGC 4151 -- SBab galaxy, sky charts (1 degree & 30 arcmin sides) with list of objects below, in order of distance from galaxy at center.

comment on field displayed below: Dense clustering. Objects mostly faint, generally 20-21st magnitude. Nearest object, at 81% chance of being a QSO, is on the disk, at the precise center of this DSS photo:

Charts and a listing of objects are below:

label coordinates (J2000) dist asec angle E-N type R mag B mag com R psf B psf Name conf assoc QSO pct z flux
0.003 121032.7+392419 7 180 ARX 11.1 8.0 p n 1 NGC 4151 100 0 0.003 350
81 121028.0+392419 55 263 X 19.5 22.0 p * n CXOMPJ121027.9+392417 99 81 14
95 121022.5+392317 137 240 X 20.4 21.0 p * * 1XMM J121022.7+392316 100 95 95
65 121017.6+392129 249 225 X 0 22.2 p x * 1XMM J121017.6+392129 99 65 27
0.617 121026.6+392909 292 346 BRX 19.7 20.6 p * * 1207+39W4 100 97 0.617 15
0.022 121049.6+392824 308 39 ARX 4.6 7.7 p * 1 NGC 4156 100 0 0.022 2
41 121004.4+392511 331 278 X 19.9 21.0 p 1 * 1XMM J121004.5+392515 61 41 7
65 121039.4+392950 333 13 X 0 22.2 p x * 1XMM J121039.4+392950 99 65 45
88 121102.6+392419 346 91 X 0 22.5 p x * 1XMM J121102.4+392419 92 88 4
27 121058.2+392123 347 122 X 20.2 21.9 p * * 1XMM J121057.9+392119 58 27 8
95 121001.6+392151 392 247 X 19.9 21.3 p * * 2RXP J121002.0+392154 99 95 13
45 121033.7+391737 409 178 X 19.8 22.1 p * * 1XMM J121033.8+391737 91 45 31
0.022 121016.6+391817 414 207 AX 12.5 14.0 p 1 1 RXS J12102+3918 100 11 0.022 92
78 121035.0+393123 418 4 X 19.8 22.0 p * * 1XMM J121035.2+393123 94 78 119
77 120956.4+392538 426 280 X 0 22.6 p x * 1XMM J120956.4+392538 96 77 16
41 121010.4+393019 438 324 X 16.6 19.8 p 1 * 1RXH J121010.3+393019 99 41 2
70 121118.0+392430 525 90 X 18.3 19.0 p n n 1XMM J121118.2+392430 98 70 35
47 121054.9+393206 527 29 X 20.3 21.0 p * 1 1XMM J121055.4+393203 73 47 15
58 121114.9+392825 544 64 X 19.7 21.1 p n * 1XMM J121115.1+392824 99 58 53
80 121109.6+393110 588 47 X 0 22.0 p x * 1XMM J121109.6+393109 99 80 19
0.194 120951.6+393129 637 312 Q 15.3 17.8 p 1 1 NEQ3_z2 0.194
80 121125.2+392759 644 71 X 0 22.5 p x * 1XMM J121125.4+392758 99 80 28
99 121129.3+392513 658 86 X 20.0 19.8 p * * 1XMM J121129.6+392512 100 99 60
80 121126.2+392036 661 110 X 0 21.0 p x * 1XMM J121126.2+392036 99 80 67
1.500 121111.2+393321 696 40 QX 19.9 19.8 p * * Q 1208+3950 100 91 1.500 31
95 120943.3+393119 706 306 X 20.3 20.6 p * * 1XMM J120943.4+393120 100 95 27
64 121003.8+393452 710 332 X 0 21.1 p x * 1XMM J121003.8+393451 98 64 40
77 121114.1+393332 727 41 X 0 22.2 p x * 1XMM J121114.1+393331 96 77 62
77 121054.6+393550 730 20 X 0 22.1 p x * 1XMM J121054.8+393550 96 77 66
76 121015.0+391243 733 196 X 20.1 20.8 p * n 1XMM J121015.0+391243 98 76 13
77 121136.9+392404 744 92 X 0 21.0 p x * 1XMM J121136.9+392403 96 77 84
81 121005.6+393543 746 335 X 20.5 21.3 p * * 1XMM J121005.6+393545 91 81 7
59 120932.4+392908 754 292 RX 19.9 22.0 p * * FIRSTJ120932.3+392907 100 59 14
96 121024.0+393720 780 353 X 20.3 20.5 p * * 1XMM J121024.0+393721 100 96 73
74 121032.2+393736 790 360 X 0 21.4 p x * 1XMM J121032.5+393736 92 74 32
43 121033.8+393736 790 1 X 19.6 21.6 p 1 * 1RXH J121033.5+393739 85 43 3
77 121141.3+392343 796 93 X 0 22.4 p x * 1XMM J121141.3+392342 96 77 42
90 121021.0+391109 808 190 X 20.6 21.8 p * * 1XMM J121021.0+391109 95 90 49
26 120942.7+391446 820 225 X 18.9 22.0 p * * 1XMM J120942.7+391442 67 26 31
TYCHO 121004.5+393731 850 337 SX 6.8 8.3 p * * TYCHO 3017-879-1 87 1 38
30 121126.2+391418 869 134 X 18.4 21.1 p * * 2RXP J121126.3+391417 74 30 12
74 120950.0+393731 928 328 X 0 22.4 p x * 1XMM J120950.1+393731 92 74 37
2.334 120943.3+393642 932 322 QRX 19.0 19.4 p * * 1207+39W3 100 97 2.334 23
96 120920.2+391728 939 244 X 20.2 21.2 p * * 1XMM J120920.3+391727 96 96 28
2.400 121010.2+393936 947 344 QX 17.3 17.9 p * * Q 12076+399 100 95 2.400 21
94 121028.0+390821 967 183 X 19.2 20.9 p * * 1RXH J121027.9+390822 100 94 11
77 121101.0+393954 984 19 X 19.1 19.2 p n n 2RXP J121101.3+393955 95 77 13
91 121043.9+390803 992 172 X 19.6 19.4 p * * 1RXH J121043.9+390803 100 91 28
88 121043.4+394051 993 7 X 20.6 21.1 p * * 2RXP J121043.9+394055 92 88 4
91 121025.4+390652 1057 185 X 18.5 19.0 p * * 2RXP J121026.0+390652 92 91 15
TYCHO 121109.7+390747 1087 157 SX 6.7 6.7 p * * TYCHO 3017-1744-1 100 0 68
96 121102.0+390707 1093 162 X 19.0 19.5 p * * 1RXH J121102.1+390708 100 96 7
55 121050.4+390549 1136 170 X 19.8 21.0 p 1 * 1WGA J1210.8+3905 91 55 20
44 121112.4+390641 1161 157 X 19.9 20.2 p * 1 1WGA J1211.2+3906 98 44 16
PGC 2 120908.6+393842 1296 311 GR 16.8 20.0 p 1 1 PGC 2153375 99 1 7
TYCHO 121131.7+390544 1315 149 SX 8.1 9.3 p * * TYCHO 3017-1921-1 76 0 2
52 121229.3+392829 1372 80 X 20.1 21.9 p * * 1WGA J1212.4+3928 68 52 18
83 121231.6+392804 1394 81 X 18.8 18.9 p * * 1WGA J1212.5+3928 88 83 27
0.602 121134.2+390055 1582 153 B 20.0 0 n x MS 12090+3917 0.602
TYCHO 121047.4+395333 1755 6 SX 0 6.7 p x 2 TYCHO 3017-781-1 90 0 71



Columns of table:

  1. label -- identifier for each optical object displayed on the chart(s) above.
  2. coordinates J2000 -- position on the sky of this optical object, pattern is hhmmss.s±ddmmss, which gives 1 arcsecond precision.
  3. dist asec -- distance (offset in arcseconds) of this object from the central galaxy, i.e. the center of the chart.
  4. angle E-N -- direction from the central galaxy to this object, N thru E, ie. 0 is up, 90 is left, 180 is down, 270 is rightwards.
  5. type -- short description of this object: Q=quasar, B=Bl lac, A=AGN, G=galaxy, S=star, X=X-ray source, R=radio source, 2=double radio lobes.
  6. R mag, B mag -- brightness of this object in red and blue colors respectively, 0=not seen in this color
  7. com -- comment on object: p=blue is POSSI-O violet, (no p)=blue is Bj green or similar, i=red is i, u=blue is u, v=variablility nominally detected, m=proper motion nominally detected, ?=inferred object, calculated from combining APM and USNO-A optical catalogs.
  8. R psf, B psf -- appearance of object in red and blue colors respectively, *=stellar, 1=fuzzy, 2=extended, n=no psf, x=not seen in this color.
  9. Name -- name of this object from the literature, or IAU name from X-ray/radio catalog.
  10. conf assoc -- confidence that this optical object is the true source of the X-ray or radio detection that we list with it. This is the published figure from the QORG catalog, except for XMM or CXOMP X-ray objects which are calculated using the identical technique as used in QORG.
  11. QSO pct -- confidence that this optical object is a QSO specifically, calculated as in (10) above.
  12. z -- the redshift of this object, from the literature. NBCKDE redshifts are photometric only, and rounded to tenths, e.g. 1.700.
  13. flux -- if a radio source, in mJy; if an X-ray source, in counts per hour as listed in ROSAT/CXOMP, XMM normalised to ROSAT (div by 3.5).


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