NGC 7314 -- SBbc galaxy, sky charts (1 degree & 30 arcmin sides) with list of objects below, in order of distance from galaxy at center.

comment on field displayed below: Good density of objects within 15 arcmin of the central galaxy. Closest-in object 69 is within galaxy disk, looks unresolved in HST photo. Yaqoob et al (astro-ph/0306428) identify a dualness or smearing of the spectrum of this galaxy. Possibly object 69 has a separate spectral identity and interloped in the measurement of NGC 7314.
label coordinates (J2000) dist asec angle E-N type R mag B mag com R psf B psf Name conf assoc QSO pct z flux
0.005 223546.2-260304 9 186 ARX 0 6.2 x 1 NGC 7314 98 2 0.005 8
69 223546.2-260429 94 181 X 17.6 18.6 pv n n 1XMM J223546.3-260429 93 69 56
69 223540.9-260514 157 208 X 0 22.5 x * 1XMM J223540.9-260513 86 69 15
0.019 223532.6-260606 266 224 GX 11.3 10.5 2 * DENISJ223532.3-260608 83 0 0.019 12
88 223527.4-260116 273 291 X 18.9 19.7 * * 1XMM J223527.3-260117 99 88 61
95 223555.1-255833 288 24 X 18.5 19.1 * * 1XMM J223555.1-255833 98 95 186
81 223526.3-260523 307 241 X 19.5 19.4 v n * 1XMM J223526.3-260524 100 81 137
62 223612.6-255951 399 63 X 20.4 22.2 1 * 1XMM J223612.6-255953 95 62 27
93 223606.2-260802 407 139 X 19.5 20.1 * * 1XMM J223606.0-260804 95 93 110
46 223557.2-255621 421 21 X 19.2 20.7 * * 1XMM J223557.1-255622 98 46 15
99 223615.3-260532 421 112 X 21.2 22.5 * * 1XMM J223615.2-260532 99 99 76
50 223538.3-255451 496 347 X 20.0 20.8 * 1 1XMM J223538.3-255454 86 50 39
75 223612.6-255702 500 45 X 20.3 21.3 * * 2RXP J223612.6-255701 82 75 5
84 223504.1-260301 569 269 X 21.1 22.0 * * 1XMM J223504.0-260300 94 84 24
91 223621.8-255741 572 57 X 20.4 21.7 * * 1XMM J223621.8-255743 91 91 64
47 223542.5-261246 593 185 X 21.3 20.7 * 1 2RXP J223542.6-261244 99 47 7
96 223634.4-260348 651 95 X 21.2 21.7 * * 1XMM J223634.5-260350 98 96 16
0.062 223500.4-255930 652 288 GX 17.4 16.9 1 1 TGS120Z070 72 10 0.062 16
93 223459.7-255945 656 287 X 20.0 20.6 * * 1XMM J223459.7-255945 97 93 64
56 223632.4-255912 661 70 X 20.1 22.0 * * 1XMM J223632.3-255913 75 56 54
84 223623.9-261006 665 130 X 19.8 20.7 v * * 1XMM J223623.7-261005 95 84 63
71 223528.8-255221 677 340 X 0 21.9 x * 1XMM J223528.8-255220 88 71 72
90 223528.9-261338 684 200 X 19.9 20.4 * * 1XMM J223529.0-261337 92 90 22
86 223459.7-255718 713 298 X 20.1 20.7 * * 1XMM J223459.6-255718 86 86 27
75 223519.3-261354 753 209 X 0 22.4 x * 1XMM J223519.3-261355 93 75 39
95 223452.0-255909 766 287 X 21.1 21.1 * * 1XMM J223452.0-255910 100 95 46
TYCHO 223634.2-255401 838 50 SX 11.2 11.7 * * TYCHO 6966-316-1 92 1 24
71 223447.5-255726 858 293 X 20.6 22.1 * * 1XMM J223447.4-255726 93 71 19
43 223521.7-261820 982 200 X 21.0 22.0 * * 2RXP J223522.2-261818 56 43 8
70 223429.3-260402 1040 266 X 19.0 18.9 * * 2RXP J223430.1-260408 74 70 9
80 223608.2-261943 1050 164 X 18.4 18.7 n n 1WGA J2236.1-2619 93 80 32
0.267 223423.4-261320 1280 241 GRX 16.3 19.3 1 2 TGS120Z099 99 2 0.267 51
56 223506.8-253946 1488 339 X 17.9 17.7 n n 1WGA J2235.1-2539 95 56 25
0.026 223449.9-254034 1542 330 A 6.6 8.6 2 * ESO 533-G50 0.026
89 223742.6-260457 1571 94 R 19.2 19.7 * * NVSS J223742.6-260455 91 89 19
85 223726.2-261847 1648 125 R 17.9 18.4 2 * NVSS J223726.1-261848 92 85 216
77 223751.0-260450 1684 94 X 18.2 18.8 n n 1WGA J2237.8-2604 97 77 67
TYCHO 223751.0-260502 1685 94 SX 12.1 13.6 p n n TYCHO 6966-1270-1 68 0 44
0.089 223708.1-254131 1693 41 GR 16.7 19.4 v n 2 TGS120Z211 96 3 0.089 5
88 223751.2-261059 1750 106 X 18.8 18.8 * * 2RXP J223751.6-261056 97 88 107



Columns of table:

  1. label -- identifier for each optical object displayed on the chart(s) above.
  2. coordinates J2000 -- position on the sky of this optical object, pattern is hhmmss.s±ddmmss, which gives 1 arcsecond precision.
  3. dist asec -- distance (offset in arcseconds) of this object from the central galaxy, i.e. the center of the chart.
  4. angle E-N -- direction from the central galaxy to this object, N thru E, ie. 0 is up, 90 is left, 180 is down, 270 is rightwards.
  5. type -- short description of this object: Q=quasar, B=Bl lac, A=AGN, G=galaxy, S=star, X=X-ray source, R=radio source, 2=double radio lobes.
  6. R mag, B mag -- brightness of this object in red and blue colors respectively, 0=not seen in this color
  7. com -- comment on object: p=blue is POSSI-O violet, (no p)=blue is Bj green or similar, i=red is i, u=blue is u, v=variablility nominally detected, m=proper motion nominally detected, ?=inferred object, calculated from combining APM and USNO-A optical catalogs.
  8. R psf, B psf -- appearance of object in red and blue colors respectively, *=stellar, 1=fuzzy, 2=extended, n=no psf, x=not seen in this color.
  9. Name -- name of this object from the literature, or IAU name from X-ray/radio catalog.
  10. conf assoc -- confidence that this optical object is the true source of the X-ray or radio detection that we list with it. This is the published figure from the QORG catalog, except for XMM or CXOMP X-ray objects which are calculated using the identical technique as used in QORG.
  11. QSO pct -- confidence that this optical object is a QSO specifically, calculated as in (10) above.
  12. z -- the redshift of this object, from the literature. NBCKDE redshifts are photometric only, and rounded to tenths, e.g. 1.700.
  13. flux -- if a radio source, in mJy; if an X-ray source, in counts per hour as listed in ROSAT/CXOMP, XMM normalised to ROSAT (div by 3.5).


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