The Million Optical Radio/X-ray Associations (MORX) catalogue Eric Wim Flesch, 26 October 2016 ================================================================================ This is a compendium of optical objects which are calculated as associated to XMM-Newton, ROSAT, Chandra or Swift X-ray sources, or to NVSS, FIRST or SUMSS radio sources or double radio lobes. The counts are: Optical objects - 1,002,855 NVSS - 402,485 core radio associations, plus 8320 double radio lobes. FIRST - 250,072 core radio associations, plus 16,934 double radio lobes. SUMSS - 70,863 core radio associations, plus 2124 double radio lobes. XMM-Newton - 184,203 X-ray associations XMM Slew - 10,104 X-ray associations ROSAT - 120,181 X-ray associations Chandra - 91,674 X-ray associations Swift - 47,200 X-ray associations Each optical object is shown as one line bearing the J2000 coordinates, object name if any, object class, red & blue photometry, redshift if any, likelihoods of the presented associations and calculated odds that the object is a quasar, galaxy, star, or erroneous association, and the radio & X-ray identifiers. Also, details of positional offsets and optical field solutions are given, plus references for the object name, redshift and classification. A supplemental file ("MORX-supp.txt") of 118,200 anonymous SDSS galaxies with radio/X-ray associations has been added to the MORX files. Those SDSS data came to hand just as MORX was in press, so are included as this supplement. The file format is the same as MORX, and their combined count is 1,121,055 optical objects. If citing, just cite as MORX. Questions/comments/praise/complaints may be directed to me at File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORX.txt 372 1002855 The catalogue MORX-supp.txt 372 118200 the supplemental file MORX-references.txt 124 1977 indexed list of citations in the data MORX-ReadMe.txt 80 . This file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of the MORX (million optical radio/X-ray) file: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 11 F11.7 deg RA right ascension J2000 (degrees)(1) 14- 24 F11.7 deg DEC declination J2000 (degrees)(1) 27- 51 A25 --- Name ID from the literature, or J2000 (2) 53- 56 A4 --- Descrip classification of object, and associations (3) 58- 61 F4.1 mag Rmag red optical magnitude (4) 64- 67 F4.1 mag Bmag blue optical magnitude (4) 70- 72 A3 --- Comment comment on optical object (5) 75 A1 --- R red optical PSF class (6) 78 A1 --- B blue optical PSF class (6) 81- 86 F6.3 z Z redshift from the literature (7) 89- 93 F5.1 pct Rconf likelihood of the radio association (8) 96-100 F5.1 pct Xconf likelihood of the X-ray association (8) 103-105 I3 pct Qpct probability that this object is a QSO (9) 108-110 I3 pct Gpct probability that this object is a galaxy (9) 112-114 I3 pct Spct probability that this object is a star (9) 116-118 I3 pct Epct probability that this association is false (9) 121-142 A22 --- Nname NVSS core radio ID, if any (10) 144-165 A22 --- Fname FIRST or SUMSS core radio ID, if any (10) 168-189 A22 --- Xname XMM-Newton X-ray ID, if any (10) 192-213 A22 --- Rname ROSAT X-ray ID, if any (10) 215-236 A22 --- Cname Chandra X-ray ID, if any (10) 238-259 A22 --- Tname SWIFT X-ray ID, if any (10) 262-283 A22 --- Lobe1 1st radio lobe ID, if any (10) 286-307 A22 --- Lobe2 2nd radio lobe ID, if any (10) 310-312 I3 arcsec Rdist offset from optical to radio source (11) 314-316 I3 arcsec Xdist offset from optical to X-ray source (11) 319-339 A21 --- obsid survey & field of the best R/X source (12) 342-346 F5.1 arcsec RAmove E/W field shift given by optical solution (13) 348-350 I3 arcsec DEmove N/S field shift given by optical solution (13) 353-355 I3 --- Nobj # associations used to calc optical solution 357-360 I4 --- Nsources # radio/X-ray sources in this field 363-366 I4 --- Cite citation for name (14) 369-372 I4 --- Zcite citation for redshift (14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): These are to 7 decimals which is too precise, but which accomodates a miniscule round-up which prevents inadvertent truncation by the user when converting to sexagesimal. Note (2): Nameless objects here display the J2000 position in HHMMSS.S+DDMMSS for the convenience of the user. If needing a name for it, just preface this J2000 with "MORX ", e.g., MORX J000001.5-251706. Note (3): Legend: A = AGN, extended/Seyferts/low-luminosity type I B = BL Lac object C = cataclysmic variable star G = galaxy g = photometric galaxy from MegaZLRG. Redshift rounded to 0.01z. H = HII (star-forming) galaxy or part of galaxy K = type II object, or AGN of unclear type L = LINER M = main galaxy of galaxy group N = narrow emission line galaxy (NELG) Q = QSO from the literature, broad-line unresolved type I q = photometric quasar candidate, SDSS-based. Redshift rounded to 0.1z. R = radio association displayed S = star U = unknown type but with tentative SDSS redshift W = white dwarf star X = X-ray association displayed 2 = double radio lobes displayed (declared by data-driven algorithm) Note (4): Optical data is from the APM (, USNO-A & USNO-B (, and the SDSS ( APM & USNO-A magnitudes have been recalibrated from the original values as documented in QORG (2004,A&A,427,387), so such USNO-A magnitudes are often used in preference to USNO-B. APM galaxies < mag 17.0 are usually shown too bright due to PSF modelling. Note: many SDSS magnitudes are "extinction-corrected" ~0.3 mag brighter than photometry. Note (5): Legend: p = blue magnitude is POSS-I O (violet 4050A) and red is POSS-I E (6400A). POSS-I photometry is always preferred because O is well-offset from E and the red & blue plates were always taken on the same night, thus the red-blue colour is correct even for variable objects. j = blue magnitude is SERC J (Bj 4800A blue-green) from the POSS-II or UKST surveys. Red-blue color is less reliable because the plates were taken in different epochs, i.e. years apart. g = blue magnitude is SDSS green 4800A. u = blue magnitude is SDSS ultraviolet 3850A. b = blue magnitude is Vega 4400A. v = red magnitude is visual, ie, white, 5500A midpoint. i = red magnitude is infrared 7500A. z = red magnitude is infrared z 8500A. k = red magnitude is infrared k 22000A. (not v/i/z/k) = red magnitude is standard red 6400A. + = variability nominally* detected for both red & blue. m = proper motion nominally* detected. x = object is from the ARXA catalog which was later dropped due to changes in the optical or radio/X-ray data, thus causing either the likelihood calculation or the optical field solution to change. 39,157 of these are included, and the displayed likelihood is still indicative. ? = "inferred" object -- position and magnitude is approximate for either red or blue or both, where PSF is listed as "n". These were derived by overlaying USNO-A point sources onto APM ellipses, see (4). ( * from USNO-B or Flesch & Hardcastle,2004,A&A,427,387, section A.1 end ) Note (6): The APM, USNO-B, and SDSS provide PSF class, albeit using different criteria. These are shown here as: - = point source / stellar PSF (APM notation: -1, here truncated) 1 = fuzzy / galaxy shape (APM notation: 1 and some 2) n = no PSF available, whether borderline or too faint to tell, etc. x = not seen in this color (fainter than plate depth, or confused, etc.) Note (7): Photometric redshifts are here rounded to 0.1z for objects classified as "q" (photometric quasars) and to 0.01z for "g" (photometric galaxies). If the reference is MORX, then it is a photometric redshift calculated as described in Appendix B of the HMQ paper (Flesch 2015,PASA,32,10). Note (8): These likelihoods are calculated from areal densities as described in the QORG (2004,A&A,427,387) and ARXA (2010,PASA,27,283) papers. The radio & X-ray likelihoods are calculated independently of each other. Note (9): These are derived from the radio/X-ray association(s) by counting fellow objects (of similar photometry and associations) which are already fully classified. These are also displayed for those fully classified objects to show the performance. Epct is just 100% minus (8) -- however, if (8) shows both radio & X-ray associations, the joint likelihood of (8) is calculated by overlaying their areal densities, so increased, thus Epct is lessened. Note (10): Legend of Radio/X-ray source prefixes and catalog home pages: FIRST: VLA FIRST survey, 13Jun05 version, NVSS: NRAO VLA sky survey, SUMSS: Sydney U. Molonglo, MGPS: Molonglo galactic plane survey, same attribution as SUMSS ROSAT catalogs home page: , for: - 1RXH: ROSAT HRI (high resolution imager) - 2RXP/2RXF: ROSAT PSPC (position sensitive proportional counter) - 1RXS: ROSAT RASS (all-sky survey, both bright & faint) 2RXS: 2nd RASS source catalog, Boller Th. et al, 2016,A&A,588,103 1WGA: White, Giommi & Angelini, 1SXPS: Swift X-ray Point Source catalog, CXO: Chandra Source Catalog v1.1, CXOG: Chandra ACIS source catalog, Wang S. et al, 2016,ApJS,224,40 CXOX: XAssist Chandra source list, 2XMM/2XMMi: XMM-Newton DR3 sources not in DR6, acknowledged as valid in section 8.2 of the 3XMM-DR5 paper 2016,A&A,590,1. Website is 3XMM: XMM-Newton DR6, XMMSL: XMM-Newton Slew survey DR6, same website as 3XMM. XMMX: XAssist XMM-Newton source list, Note (11): Astrometric offset after the radio/X-ray field (12) has been shifted by its optical field solution (13). For double-lobe-only associations, this is the length of the shorter lobe. Note (12): This shows the catalog and field/sequence of the best radio/X-ray source, i.e., that of the highest likelihood (8) association, although an accompanying successful optical field solution (with high Nobj/Nsources ratio) is also preferred. E.g., "XMMX:0302580501" shows that the XMMX X-ray source is the one described (since others might also be displayed), which stems from the XMMX field 0302580501 which is shifted by the optical field solution (13). X-ray fields (aka "sequences") are operational satellite fields of view for which the best optical-X-ray fit is found via RMS of shared source offsets, see the QORG paper (2004,A&A,427,387) section A.3 for details. Note, however, that 1RXS/2RXS (RASS) processing used convenient sky fields which were not in fact operational fields -- thus this method is not so useful for placing RASS sources. Radio fields are astrometrically accurate but still need shifting into the optical background used here because that background can have errors of 1-2 arcsec, so the radio astrometry must be "corrected" to it for best results. For objects whose only radio/X-ray association is to double radio lobes, the radio field isn't consequential, and can be different for each of the two lobes, so is left blank. "from ARXA" means that this optical object was not identified in the MORX calculations, but was identified in the earlier ARXA catalog (2010,PASA,27, 283). Such objects were lost (and many others gained) due to the inclusion of USNO-B optical data which modified the photometry & astrometry of much optical background data, thus impacting the likelihood-of-association and optical field solution calculations. 39157 such objects have been copied over from ARXA, and spot checks confirm that these are useful candidates. Also, 474 of these are faint FIRST detections which slipped below the FIRST 1mJy threshold in transition from their 2008 catalog to their 2012 catalog, but look true on the FIRST image cutouts, in general. Note (13): Optical field solutions are calculated from the raw source positions of all radio/X-ray catalogs as described in my QORG paper 2004,A&A,427,387. The displayed field shift is identical for every instance of that field in MORX. In processing, candidate field shifts are considered in integer units of RA degree-based timesec and Decl arcsec, and the "winning" field shift is here presented in arcsec. Where the field was not able to be shifted (due to too few Nobj), these columns are left blank. Note (14): See the accompanying file "MORX-references.txt" which lists all citations in sequence. Each row has 2 columns, being: (a) the citation number as it appears in the data. These #s are consistent with those used in the Half Million Quasars catalog (HMQ: 2015,PASA,32,10). (b) the citation, i.e., standard authors list, year, journal volume & page, and sometimes a brief description or website. The citation for the classification (e.g., that the object is a quasar) can be from either the name or redshift citation.