NGC 4559 -- SBc galaxy, sky charts (1 degree & 30 arcmin sides) with list of objects below, in order of distance from galaxy at center.

comment on field displayed below: Late-type spiral, ULX population. Objects hover about galaxy, with an unusual cluster to the lower left. Object 80, 2nd closest, is ULX X7 from astro-ph/0312539, and they find from CXOMP that the true optical object is offset from the one listed here by about 3 arcsec.

label coordinates (J2000) dist asec angle E-N type R mag B mag com R psf B psf Name conf assoc QSO pct z flux
58 123603.2+275757 75 73 X 19.8 19.9 p * 2 CXOMPJ123603.2+275757 93 58 14
80 123551.8+275607 118 222 X 18.6 18.5 p n n 1RXH J123551.7+275605 100 80 56
76 123600.4+275456 163 167 X 0 21.9 p x * CXOMPJ123600.3+275457 94 76 3
95 123540.9+275827 229 283 X 19.4 20.2 p * * CXOMPJ123540.9+275827 98 95 2
80 123549.5+275340 259 205 X 0 22.4 p x * CXOMPJ123549.5+275339 99 80 3
96 123534.0+280005 348 296 X 19.2 19.8 p * * 1RXH J123533.9+280006 100 96 5
96 123559.0+280551 496 2 X 19.0 19.4 p * * CXOMPJ123558.8+280550 100 96 3
47 123516.4+275623 553 263 X 19.0 20.8 p 1 * 2RXP J123516.0+275619 88 47 6
88 123634.4+275249 564 120 X 18.5 19.3 p * * 2RXP J123634.5+275249 88 88 9
98 123634.6+274813 744 139 X 19.2 19.4 p * * 1RXH J123634.7+274814 100 98 3
0.025 123653.4+275143 817 116 GRX 8.1 9.3 p 1 1 IC 3592 100 0 0.025 2
57 123612.4+274406 832 166 X 18.8 19.7 p * * 2RXP J123612.6+274400 57 57 34
88 123617.6+274333 882 163 X 19.7 20.5 p * * 1RXH J123617.7+274331 91 88 11
73 123623.3+281158 927 21 X 19.1 19.5 p * * 2RXP J123622.6+281151 77 73 7
41 123652.2+280740 941 50 X 18.8 19.6 p 1 * 2RXP J123651.7+280742 90 41 39
73 123628.0+274321 943 155 X 20.3 20.6 p * * 1WGA J1236.4+2743 75 73 14
96 123701.5+274950 964 119 RX 19.6 20.3 p * * FIRSTJ123701.5+274951 100 96 2
59 123709.5+275130 1019 111 X 19.9 21.6 p * * 2RXP J123709.5+275132 62 59 21
0.026 123653.9+274456 1063 136 GR 8.3 9.7 p 1 1 IC 3593 47 0 0.026 3
42 123720.0+275105 1157 110 X 19.5 21.4 p * * 2RXP J123720.1+275107 59 42 11
PGC 1 123430.6+275122 1215 252 GR 15.4 18.0 p 2 1 PGC 1819824 99 0 3
PGC 1 123519.2+273440 1467 200 GR 14.9 16.7 p 2 1 PGC 1812203 90 0 3
36 123730.0+281524 1623 49 R 19.5 22.0 p * * FIRSTJ123730.0+281524 95 36 1
0.024 123648.3+273255 1625 156 GR 11.7 15.5 p n n IC 3587 70 0 0.024 5
93 123404.7+274458 1680 243 RX 18.6 19.4 p * * FIRSTJ123404.6+274457 96 93 4
92 123553.4+282554 1700 358 R 20.1 20.6 p * * FIRSTJ123553.3+282554 93 92 1
77 123732.0+273752 1721 133 R 0 21.8 p x * FIRSTJ123732.0+273753 98 77 4
75 123626.9+282619 1766 13 R 18.8 19.5 p n n FIRSTJ123626.9+282618 99 75 2



Columns of table:

  1. label -- identifier for each optical object displayed on the chart(s) above.
  2. coordinates J2000 -- position on the sky of this optical object, pattern is hhmmss.s±ddmmss, which gives 1 arcsecond precision.
  3. dist asec -- distance (offset in arcseconds) of this object from the central galaxy, i.e. the center of the chart.
  4. angle E-N -- direction from the central galaxy to this object, N thru E, ie. 0 is up, 90 is left, 180 is down, 270 is rightwards.
  5. type -- short description of this object: Q=quasar, B=Bl lac, A=AGN, G=galaxy, S=star, X=X-ray source, R=radio source, 2=double radio lobes.
  6. R mag, B mag -- brightness of this object in red and blue colors respectively, 0=not seen in this color
  7. com -- comment on object: p=blue is POSSI-O violet, (no p)=blue is Bj green or similar, i=red is i, u=blue is u, v=variablility nominally detected, m=proper motion nominally detected, ?=inferred object, calculated from combining APM and USNO-A optical catalogs.
  8. R psf, B psf -- appearance of object in red and blue colors respectively, *=stellar, 1=fuzzy, 2=extended, n=no psf, x=not seen in this color.
  9. Name -- name of this object from the literature, or IAU name from X-ray/radio catalog.
  10. conf assoc -- confidence that this optical object is the true source of the X-ray or radio detection that we list with it. This is the published figure from the QORG catalog, except for XMM or CXOMP X-ray objects which are calculated using the identical technique as used in QORG.
  11. QSO pct -- confidence that this optical object is a QSO specifically, calculated as in (10) above.
  12. z -- the redshift of this object, from the literature. NBCKDE redshifts are photometric only, and rounded to tenths, e.g. 1.700.
  13. flux -- if a radio source, in mJy; if an X-ray source, in counts per hour as listed in ROSAT/CXOMP, XMM normalised to ROSAT (div by 3.5).


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