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Groups search result 25 for group:sci.physics author:Eric author:Flesch 

Search Result 25
From: Eric Flesch (eric@flesch.org)
Subject: Re: Galaxy formation
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Newsgroups: alt.sci.physics.new-theories, sci.physics
Date: 1999/04/15
Good try, but you're trying to find your answers from within quite a
conventional mold.  Current science tests its theories, ultimately,
from within the confines of a small laboratory.  This is why the
"first three minutes" etc has such a large particle component to its
theory, and why, when we finally do get some instrumentation out to
the beginnings of macro-distances, i.e. Pioneer 10, it does not follow
our laboratory prescriptions but instead signals that there are
macro-rules which we haven't modelled, and which undoubtedly have
played predominant roles in the derivation of today's universe.

You endeavor to link quasars and galaxies into a unified role which
retains elements of the "original conditions".  To pursue this broad
perspective further, examine the dynamics of elliptical galaxies.
These objects are excellent macro-laboratories for examining macro
physical laws because their relaxed state allows their internal
dynamics to be examined with little extraneous interference.   It is
found that ellipticals display flat rotation profiles of a quite
random magnitude.  Some ellipticals don't rotate at all, their stars
simply mingle around like water molecules in a puddle.  Others do
quite the same but with a consistent average rotational velocity
regardless of distance from the center.  The rotation can be around
the major or minor axis, both kinds are observed, and the rotation
clearly has no involvement with the galaxy shape.

Ellipticals give hints that they are their own reference frames, that
the dimensional/gravitational underpinnings of physical law may vary
from one elliptical to another.  Thus the conventional view of a
homogeneous physical law underlying every point in the universe is
examinable using the macro-laboratory of the elliptical galaxies.

21st-century cosmology will view 20th-century cosmology with the same
patronizing air as we have viewed 19th-century cosmology.  Those who
proclaim that we have come to the end of the road, that today we have
all the answers, are no different to those who have proclaimed just
such for hundreds of years.  The big bang is today's stylish
convention, and this too will pass.

Eric Flesch

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