From: (Eric Flesch) Newsgroups: sci.astro Subject: FREE LUNCH Catalogue of 120,000 QSO Candidates now Available Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 08:41:22 GMT Organization: Asia Online NZ Message-ID: <> X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.5/32.451 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cache-Post-Path: hermes! X-Cache: nntpcache 2.4.0b5 (see X-Complaints-To: Lines: 60 Presenting the FREE LUNCH catalogue of 775,249 radio/xray associations with optical objects. In this catalogue each optical candidate comes equipped with a listed percentile probability (range 40%-100%) that the object is a quasar. The calculational method is explained in the ReadMe file which accompanies the catalogue. There are four files, these being: (1) 120,017 QSO candidates, which will yield about 100,000 actual QSOs when (one day) all the spectra are taken. (2) 337,199 galaxy candidates, that is, candidates of being a radio/xray source galaxy. (3) 235,355 mongrel radio/xray-emitting optical objects. Heck, I don't know what they are but I've listed the probabilities. (4) 82,678 already-catalogued QSOs, galaxies & stars, with the optical data (magnitudes etc) and calculated probabilities of radio/xray association which can be used as a control group for the candidates. Pick up the catalogue at . Yes, you lucky bastards, there is a FREE LUNCH after all! Following is the first few paragraphs from the ReadMe files. Enjoy, Eric Flesch Wellington, New Zealand 12 November 2000 _________________________________ The FREE LUNCH Catalogue, similar to its more pedestrian cousin the Overlays 2000 Conglomerate Catalogue (O2C), aligns and overlays the year 2000 releases of the ROSAT HRI, RASS, PSPC and WGA x-ray catalogues, the NVSS and FIRST radio catalogues, the Veron QSO catalogue, the Principal Galaxy Catalogue, and the Tycho star catalogue onto the optical APM and USNO catalogues. The FREE LUNCH catalogue however displays calculated percentage probabilities for each object of its likelihood of being a quasar, galaxy, star, or erroneous radio/xray association. More objects are presented here than in the O2C, and the list of viable radio/xray QSO candidates is Y2000 complete. This catalogue is comprised of four files showing radio/xray associations, one for QSO candidates, one for QSOs/galaxies/stars from other catalogues, one for galaxy candidates, and a mixed file of stars and objects of unclear pedigree. Objects presented in this catalogue are those optical APM/USNO objects which are associated with x-ray/radio detections, or any optically-found catalogued QSO/AGN/Bl Lac objects, within a confidence of 40%-100%, but can be lower for some QSO candidates. There are 775,249 objects included in all, representing 99.5% coverage of the sky available from the APM and USNO. Each object is shown as one line bearing the position in equatorial coordinates, red and blue optical magnitudes (recalibrated) and PSF class, calculated probabilities of the object being, separately, a quasar, galaxy, star, or erroneous radio/xray association, a radio identification and x-ray identification where applicable, including fluxes of those identifications, plus, if already catalogued, the object name and redshift where applicable.