The Million Optical - Radio/X-ray Associations (MORX) catalog

(2016, PASA, 33, 52) 


The MORX (Million Optical radio/X-ray Associations) catalog presents 1,002,855 optical objects which are calculated as being 40%-100% likely to be associated to radio or X-ray sources, as at July 2016.  Astrometry, photometry, classifications, and identifications of the radio/X-ray sources are included, full details are in the pre-print paper and ReadMe.  There is also a 118,200-object supplementary file of anonymous SDSS galaxies with radio/X-ray associations -- those SDSS data were not to hand in time for inclusion in the main catalog.    

Quick browse of (flat text) data here , and here is the ReadMe.  Pre-print paper is here.

Four files are available: (1) the main MORX data file, (2) the supplemental file, (3) the ReadMe, and (4) the references (citations) file.

Get all four files (60 Mb) in one zip file  HERE   or get them in  FITS .

or get the files individually:   MORX     MORX supplement     ReadMe     references file         

individual FITS files:    MORX (FITS)     MORX supplement (FITS) .    

Publisher's page (DOI): 10.1017/pasa.2016.44 . ADS page: .

The flat text files are also available from VizieR -- select the FTP tab and download files from there -- be sure to get the references list from there also.

Eric Flesch, last updated 20 November 2016